After a long wait, finally some new music from Taproot! I'm going to argue that Sunday is actually the last day of the week, not the first, therefore this is still "within the week" that I claimed I was going to post this. :) The song is called "You're Not Home Tonight" from our upcoming release "Our Long Road Home." Hope you like it.
thats really good, very enjoyable : )
Fantastic! I can't wait for the album.
amazing! i can't wait to hear the rest!
a good solid song. im glad you guys have continued in the same path that you took with BSR. can not wait for more new music!
its a solid song nevertheless..but it doesnt wow me.. the music is great but the song just stays one speed the whole way..its alomost like a run on sentence..when we listen to Taproot we look for that awesome chorus from Steve.. When TR put the sample clips on youtube about a year ago there were 2 or 3 songs that had an amazing chourus... im not bashing this song and i do think its good... but this is far from what this band could really do..
It's... okay?
It's not what I was expecting?
It's good obviously, but as another person said it doesn't wow me, and the chorus is nice, but it doesn't impress me much either...
awesome guys. cant wait for the rest of it.
Wonderful! Refreshing actually. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album.
I like that with each album you guys manage to grow/evolve but still keep your own sound. You can still hear a bit of that older Taproot element we all love in this track.
Right from the beginning, its a diff. sound from the "taproot" we are listening to, and right away it caught my attention. The music was quick, catchy, and made me get into it right away. After that i listend to it again to pay more attention to the lyrics, its a song that most ppl can relate to, and when theres that type of conenction to a song, u usualy wind up with a hit song.
As for the music, it chatches ppl right away and for me at least it drew me in and right now im just listening to it over n over...when the music fits with the lyrics and the type of story its telling...i think thats one of the thigns that can make a song great.
I am def. interested to see how the rest of the album sounds.
good job guys!
It's a great song. Now you got us even more excited for the full album! Wishing you success in quickly finding a record company for distribution, so we can buy it. Hey, maybe go the Eagles route and distribute through Wal-mart exclusively.
Whatever works out for you guys. Just know you have such a hardcore following that is eagerly awaiting some new material, and most importantly, seeing you on tour again.
Thanks for the new song! Very refreshing to hear new music. Excellent birthday present, seeing as today is my birthday! haha
right on fella's i liked it, it could have a lil more punch to it but it's pretty good
That song is so good that it didn't even take any getting used to. This is gonna be a kick ass record for sure. It's surly a different sound than all your previous works but if you don't change from album to album you end up becoming a band where people say, "whatever happened to those guys?" Thanks for the release and I hope the best for you guys.
I think this is a good catchy song but I wish you guys would do more heavy songs. Steve you got an awesome scream and you should use it more. keep up the good work!!
I liked the old days when Taproot was heavy, and he could scream and sing at the same time nicely. The guitar work is good, but different than what I began to listen to Taproot for. Though this would make good music to play at your work. Upbeat and consistant...
Not heavy metal anymore though.
Great song! The bridge is really something different. Taproot is always moving forward. I hope this record gets the attention it deserves.
This song is so great. It makes me want the new album so much more. Its great to see you guys evolving so much more with each album.
I cant listen to the song because i dont have quicktime -.- maybe I hear it later. Could you please upload it on your myspace-jukebox ? greetz from germany
Great job, guys! I had to listen to the song a couple of times before I really got into it, but now I just love it! =) Now I'm even more excited about the whole album...!
I didn't like it that much the first time I heard it... 20 minutes later I'm in love. I'd prefer heavier songs but it's always better for the band to write the kind of music they feel like playing so I'm not complaining. :)
Different... but I love it!! gimme more :p:p
That chorus is shameful. I have been in the Taproot camp since Gift, enjoying and appreciating the growth on each album. You always flirted with the possibility of crossing the proverbial line of lame. However there was always enough ying to the yang to pull it back. This latest sampling has me very worried about the sound and direction of the band. Even with a "Nickelback" Chorus you still manage to pull off a quality verse with an exceptional Bridge / 3rd verse.
Please Say it Ain't So that your not becoming another radio rock act. Because you can still kick peoples asses and make diverse and interesting music at the same time.
Yeah, i'd have to agree, it's pretty gay. This song is "something more than nothing", but not much more than that. Fruity.
Not that great at all. Dull radio rock at best.
If the entire album is like this it is going to be a shame. I do not like how Taproot has been evolving into the mantra of scene pop music. This was evident with BSR, there were a few amazing songs on there though(lost in the woods, calling, facepeeler). I really hope this song is not reflective of the rest of the album, bring back the sound of Gift and Welcome not this pop garbage that we first saw with BSR.
Sorry guys, but this song is terrible. I can not believe everyone in this band would agree to allow this song to be put out.
Oh god, come on guys....PLEASE, no more whiny, bitching, love lost, heart string pulling emotional, music. You guys need to do heavier stuff because when you do, you sound original and amazing. There is enough of this pop rock formula music out there already.
man, back in high school i used to go to taproot shows at st. andrews hall in detroit. how times have changed. they used to have a unique sound and i still think 'gift' is a great album, but this is pure radio pop rock BS. sorry guys, i think you lost the edge.
Not to over use but "Refreshing" is the best way to describe this song.
Music in general has been such let down the last few years. It is such a shame that the industry chooses to put money behind the over mixed, mindless, garbage that floods our airwaves. I still have BSR in my cd player and it amazes me how brillant it is and how it never recieved the support it deserved. Keep up the good work!
erin, i couldn't have said it any better
So , I download quicktime to listen that song..... i cant decide between "amazing" and "gay" .. its something in the middle... the taproot sound is there, but I think the song rocks more in summer-time... The Bridge ("what am i done again") listen like Foo Fighters- Th Pretender ^^ Im looking forward to you !
amazing,amazing i cant wait 2 hear it all. love you guys, d
yess alex! i wuz thinkign the same thign about the foo fighters sound on those couple of lines in the song
Awesome work, can't wait to hear the entire album!
I like the song a lot and you guys did an amazing job but I agree with most of the comments. It could be heavier. More diverse even. It sounds like I'm listening to an unreleased song off BSR. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. I was just expecting something totally new. It's all good, I can't wait to hear the whole album. Keep up the great work guys!
Is this going to be the first single?
Man.. I really miss the «Again & again» days...
eh..... nothing really to write home about. it's not a bad song by any means, but at the same time it doesn't give me that "wow" feeling. in fact I think it sounds like very faceless, generic radio rock.
hopefully the whole album won't be like this.....
This is very generic. You guys used to be original and exciting.
this is only one song out of their whole album...who knows...maybe the otehr songs are exactly what you guys are saying they should go back to. so stop hating and wait until everyhting comes out b4 u stop sayin there gonna be sell outs. (i know nobody said that but i have a couple of friends who have been saying that to me and i just wanted to get my opinion out)
its an "ok" song but its not a song you want to give your long awaited (3 years) fans. Missing the Taproot "wow" factor!!!
definitely NOT what i was waiting for and since 'facepeeler' was the first song we heard from BSK, an album which was already falling towards poprock, this song isn't even trying to keep the pace... i'm sorry that you choose this way, 'cause 'gift' was unique. and i don't know if this is a good comparison, but dredg did the same thing since 'leitmotif' and it hurts. anyways greets from poland, europe
That song is fucking awesome. What label are you guys on and when is the new stuff coming out. seriously...
sounds pretty mainstream...let's hear some old skool sounds
great new song!! you guys continue to evolve like the great bands of our time. can't wait for the entire record and to see you guys on tour!!!
I got into Taproot thinking that you guys weren't afraid to put something different onto the airwaves like "Gift." and even a little bit of "Welcome." But even I could notice a slow but sure transition to this pop rock scene which is incredibly lame. Please do not allow yourselves to become sellouts and a band that any 16 year old girl would brag to her friends about or hear on mainstream radio. If this is the only "mainstream" song on the album, then that's fine. I really REALLY hope that you go back to your old sound. The reason many say that music today is garbage is because bands are holding out longer on CD's and producing generic, radio-friendly, "money-making" albums that are ruining their sound and making people's stomach's sick. Enough said.
fuck yeah!! can not wait to hear the rest! smashing mates!
Never leaving me bored I will say. All of the people who wanted another Gift album, just think about how bored you'd be with like 4 of those. Gift was/is exciting because it's the only one like it, as well as Welcome, and BSR. Each album has it's own thing that makes it unique, they don't all run together, and that's what Taproot is truly fantastic at doing. Congrats guys on doing it again!
f.y.i- my post was meant more for the haters on the myspace page, but wow, pleny here..ha! yeah, this is only 1 of 10 songs, and there's a couple even lighter, but there are a couple more rock songs like this, but for all the scream fans, you simply just wanna demand "take it", if ya don't like that song, then we're all fucked! zoiks but thanks for even checkin in! -stephen
is this song a joke?
its not a fact of no "screaming"
its just horrible
my 8 year old cousin could make this on garage band
each album so far has progressed
dont go backwards with this one.
i like the song "justice is blindfolded". can you write more songs like that again?
pete / new jersey
oh yeah, and maybe you can just re-record all your old songs and make one huge album of all your old stuff...but this time, scream on the softer songs and sing on the heavy songs. this way all the kids can stop being afraid of the new songs!!
pete / new jersey
Its ok but your best song is "freak on a leash"!!!
sorry guys, its is no good.
Great song guys. Stef and I can't wait to see you guys out on the road again.
I'm just shanking my head in total disappointment at the anonymous comment a few posts up...
awesome song...its holding me over until the album comes out
Yeah, I mean....I'm just not really impressed with it. Again and Again, Poem, Calling. All of these really jammed or had a great moving vocal melody...and this fails to do both for me. It seems to scatter-brained. Sorry guys, so far I still haven't heard the Taproot I like (Gift, Welcome, BSR) I'm still gonna give this album a chance though, hopefully this is just one of my dislikes on the album.
I like the song u sing where the chours is " I .....stand alone!!! we need more tunes like that one!
1st off, thanks for sharing you guys! Big fan. First listen I'd give it a 5 out of 10. Second listen, it was a little more appealing, and I'd raise the grade and give it a 6.5 out of 10. I'll reserve my judgement until the album comes out. BSR took me a couple listens to really grow on me. I'm looking forward to hearing what it sounds like. I'm confident I'll love it, even if I wished you'd rock out a little more these days. I'd rather you guys make music that you "feel" then to cater to what we want. Maybe eventually, you'll miss creating the "old sound" and really kick ass again! Good luck and I love your blog! Thanks! Mike Witowski
The end of the song is sick. The rest of it just wasn't what I was looking for. I'm trying not to sound like a dick, because the song was OK. You guys have been one of my favorite bands. But like a lot of other people have already said, the older stuff was better. Experimenting may be fun or fulfilling for the band so you can "grow"..but the fans that live and breath the music are expecting more. I don't mean a rehash of the old music. Instead we're waiting for you guys to take it up a notch. Not change or "experiment" or whatever you want to call it. Build on what made you great. Every now and then I hear some of it like in "What's Next" from BSR. That track is disgustingly good. Or even "So Eager" from that album. The problem is that I can't even listen to some of the other songs on that album. I'm not one of those people that thought "Poem" was one of your best songs. It was good, but the rest of Welcome and GIFT were AMAZING. Now you're changing your sound like you did with most of the songs on BSR. It's OK. I'm not hating on it, but building on your old sound would be better..and there is a difference.
i mean't "blue sky research/What's LEFT"..not "What's Next"....but i think you get the point.
or even if you go to youtube and google "taproot" kevin spacey.. That instrumental's sick. How about puting some lyrics to that? .. "Nightmare" from Blue Sky Research is really good as well.
I used to really like you guys, but this is just crap.
The rest of the album can't make up for it either because this shit will still be ont here stinking up the record.
i like but as a few people have stated there is no Taproot wow factor.. my point is before u guys relaesed "welcome" u gave us sneak peeks at poem and myself.. those 2 songs blew me away.... and BSR it was facepeeler..once again blew me away... i guess i was just looking for that song that was gonna do that..but there fed is hope..i loved the youtube previews as well..as stated by others.. my toes are tingling ..cant wait..
Not yours best, but great! I can't wait for more!! And I hope someday I'll see you in Poland as Linkin Park :) Hugs!
i am beyond excited! the song is crazy good and inspiring. when can we hear it on radio? i guess i'll start requesting! very good work guys.
You guys definetly keeping growing!
Love the new song and I look forward to getting the whole album!
I truly thank you for the great music you guys put out!
anonymous said..."I like the song u sing where the chours is " I .....stand alone!!! we need more tunes like that one!"
..........Are you the same person that said your favorite taproot song was "freak on a leash"?
1. Korn wrote/recorded "Freak on a Leash" in like 1997, it was a hit before Taproot was on a label in like 1998. Wow, way off.
2. "I stand alone" is by Godsmack.
3. Do you even know who Taproot are???
We definitely dig it :]
HAHA!! The profile name for our blog isn't appearing right :o
We're the Human Life Awareness Campaign
My fav. Taproot lyrics is "Headstrong..I'll take u on...Headstrong I'll take on anyone!!"
haha....now that's a good one! offensive, yet funny for sure, good one anonymous...... i don't mind being mocked for bands that may have pre-ceded us or been successful, but when it's a band that took our name but didn't buy the vowel "O" cause it was taken, that crosses the line! but funny nonetheless.... although it's not funny that both of us know these lyrics, especially because you probably hate the new song cause of radio, yet you listen to the radio, because if you don't, and you know lyrics to a trapt song, holy shit!
actually, i re-tract my previous sassy message, true it was funny, but i realized that even having played shows w/ trapt, the only reason i knew any of the words whatsoever, was because of Tiger Woods '05! my apologies if your circumstances are similar anonymous
haha....now that's a good one! offensive, yet funny for sure, good one anonymous...... i don't mind being mocked for bands that may have pre-ceded us or been successful, but when it's a band that took our name but didn't buy the vowel "O" cause it was taken, that crosses the line! but funny nonetheless.... although it's not funny that both of us know these lyrics, especially because you probably hate the new song cause of radio, yet you listen to the radio, because if you don't, and you know lyrics to a trapt song, holy shit!
my personal fav by u guys is the "Smooth Criminal" cover of Michael Jackson's hit song
My god how does a band that rocked Ozzfest during that scene's better days, record a song like this? Let me guess you are "evoloving." Now don't tell me that cheesy ass 8th grade rock band like snare drum intro is evolution.
And why the hell do you guys stop touring for so long? You're too young of a band to do that shit. I mean hell you stop and go out and get familys and fiancee's? As a rock star? Didn't anyone tell you this rock star thing sucks? It's called tour you ass off, take a month off and tour you ass off again. Yeah, it's supposed to suck and it does mean sacrificing everything for it. No manager to book you that many times? Than book yourself. Small clubs, big clubs, whatever. You get off the road and people forget about you. You want corporate prostitution type fame then try American Idol. Maybe if you made it to uber band status then you could take off as much time as you want to record, but hell, you're losing your fan base. Money and fame comes from touring not from album sales today my friends. You want a family life, then quit this business. You won't have both.
From Taproot to Craproot....you guys should change the name of your new album to "Shark Sandwhich."
is the "shark sandwich" a jump the shark reference or sumthing?
ha ha ha, "Shark Sandwhich." My my, you don't know what that is? I won't ruin it though for the poster, let's see if anyone figures it out.
I have to admit, I didn't get the reference to "Shark Sandwich", either....but a quick google search reveals a 'comback' album by Spinal Tap, which was then referred to by one reviewer as "Shit Sandwich." I suppose I understand the comparison to this new Taproot song.
To be fair, though, I'm going to give the new album a genuine spin or two, keeping an open mind throughout the process of listening. I did like most of BSR, even some of the poppier stuff was phenomenal in my opinion. I don't mind when previously heavy bands start writing material that doesn't necessarily maintain the same formula as their older records. However, I listened to this new track about 4-5 times in a row, and it still seems overly generic, bland, and tasteless. We'll see how the rest is...
"You're Not Home" surprised me. I really like it, it's just not what I expected from you guys. Great song though. It's been stuck in my head for a few days! People can hate all they want, but 1 of the reasons that I think you guys are an awesome band is b/c you're so diverse. None of your songs sound alike, & I love that. So yeah, keep doin what you do!
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